LinkedPlants® is predictive monitoring application. Plug your robots, welding systems, automated processes, lifts, power shore system,... most of the common industrial brands and models are supported
Build on 4 software elements, LinkedPlants® is a powerfull tool with no subscription. Reducing maintenance costs, productivity improvement, that's our goal !
PMA - Predictive Maintenance Assistant
- notifications Monitor alarms and Algorithm methods
- history Backup history alarms to cloud for powerfull statistics
- mark_email_unread Create notifications and be notified when Algorithm match
- share Connect different networks
- tap_and_play Responsive for any devices
PCA - Power Control Assistant
- public Map overview and group control
- date_range Schedule intelligent power saving
- power_settings_new Advanced conditionning power control
- place Fast locating process
FOA - Fleet Organisation Assistant
- travel_explore Monitor your network
- wifi_tethering Automatic scan for new plugged device
- support_agent Alarms support and analysis
EPA - Enhanced Programming Area
- article Files operations
- toggle_on Files and I/O analysis methods
- connected_tv Export display for operators
- description Custom scripts and system tasks
- save Backup & restore your systems files
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